Design Thinking

Creative problem solving process

Design thinking is a creative work process that makes it possible to develop innovative solutions by integrating different perspectives and focusing on the needs of users. This approach not only encourages creativity, but also encourages action and rapid testing of prototypes. By continually involving users, the solutions developed remain practical and relevant, which leads to effective results.
The methods of design thinking are fun.

Prototype result from a design thinking workshop


Diversity of perspectives through interdisciplinary teams

Lots of post it

Understand needs

Empathy is crucial because it makes it possible to understand the real needs and desires of users. By putting ourselves in their perspective, we can develop solutions that are truly relevant and valuable. Empathy helps not only address superficial problems, but also recognize deeper, often unconscious needs and design creative, user-centered solutions.
Make complexity visible


Design Thinking is characterized by its human-centered approach that combines creative problem solving with a deep understanding of user needs. It promotes collaboration in interdisciplinary teams to bring in diverse perspectives.

The iterative process of understanding, developing ideas, building prototypes and testing makes it possible to take action quickly and continuously improve solutions. Design thinking can be used flexibly and encourages you to develop innovative and practical solutions through empathy and an experimental approach.

Unlimited creativity

Design thinking convinces us because the possibilities are limitless. The process encourages and enables teams to work on new ideas and concepts with a positive attitude. It promotes a focus on opportunities and opens up new areas of action that were previously undiscovered. This creates a creative space in which innovative solutions and new perspectives can be developed.

Thanks to the interdisciplinary approach, people from different backgrounds work together and enrich each other.

Versatile material

Tactile thinking

Different materials play an important role in tactile thinking because they stimulate the thinking process through their haptic diversity. Working with different textures, shapes and colors allows ideas to be visualized and made tangible in new ways. This physical engagement with materials activates creative thought processes that often lead to unexpected insights and innovative solutions. By touching, building and designing, new connections arise in thinking that would often not be visible in purely theoretical terms.

The ideas can also be tested with the target audience.
Team analyzes a problem in depth

Problem analysis and solution idea

In a design thinking workshop, the results are the product of an intensive, structured process. First, the problem is analyzed in depth to fully understand it. The participants get to know the needs and perspectives of the user group. A well-founded basis is created by examining relevant data, studies and information. This is followed by creative brainstorming sessions in which innovative ideas and solutions are developed. These ideas are implemented and tested as prototypes, so that in the end there are practical, user-centered solutions that effectively address the problem.

Benefits of Design Thinking

Tactile thinking
Interdisciplinary collaboration
Creative problem solving
Agility through iterations
Design thinking combines creativity with empathy to create innovative solutions from challenges.

Trust the process

In design thinking, the expression “Trust the Process” is particularly applicable because the path to innovative solutions often leads through complex and challenging phases. As facilitators, we ensure that teams are carefully supported, especially in these moments, in order to overcome uncertainties. We help to develop structured interim results that make the further path clear and comprehensible. This creates trust in the process, which ultimately leads to creative and effective solutions.
Nadine Oppenheim
Founder and Managing Director of
Pin-Point Consulting, Zurich

Pin-Point Consulting
Sonnenbergstrasse 20
8134 Adliswil