Team development

We create positive team dynamics

Pin-Point Consulting is your partner for future-oriented team development. At a time when teamwork is the key to company success, we support you in developing the full potential of your team. With tailor-made solutions, we promote communication, appreciative collaboration and discover the individual strengths of each team member in order to achieve top performance together. Our passion is to create positive team dynamics for your team so that you can achieve your goals in the long term. Let's lay the foundation for a strong and productive collaboration together.

Team dynamics Lego model

Systemic approach

Individual development ability

Enabling the ability for teams to reflect

Respond to changing challenges

In the VUCA environment (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity), team development is particularly important for you, as it enables your team to react agilely and resiliently to constantly changing challenges. A systemic approach takes into account the complex interactions within your team and the entire company. By enabling your team to design and continually reflect on their own development processes, you create the basis for sustainable self-organization and adaptability. This not only promotes effectiveness, but also the innovative strength and resilience of your entire company.
Lego figurine behind glasses

Address conflicts transparently and honestly

In our workshops we create an open space in which conflicts or conflicting goals within the team or company can be addressed honestly and transparently. We support you in viewing these conflicts not as obstacles, but as opportunities for further development. Using structured methods and targeted moderation, we support your team in understanding their different interests and working together to develop constructive solutions. In this way, we develop approaches that not only resolve conflicts, but also strengthen cooperation and bring the team closer together.

Positive images of people

In our workshops we start from a positive view of humanity that focuses on the individual characteristics and talents of each team member. We believe that each team member brings unique strengths that can contribute to the success of the entire team. Through targeted exercises and reflections, we help your team recognize and effectively use this potential so that everyone can benefit from each other and grow together. In this way, we create an atmosphere of trust and appreciation in which each individual can contribute their best.

Lego bag with many individual parts

Holistic view: surface and deep structure

When developing a team, we take into account both the surface structure and the deep structure of your company. The surface structure includes the visible processes, structures and procedures, while the deep structure includes the underlying values, beliefs and unconscious patterns. By integrating both levels, we ensure that the desired development steps are not only implemented, but also sustainably implemented in the everyday life of your company. In this way, we create a solid basis for long-term changes and successful change.
System for a holistic approach

Embedded and future-oriented

In our team development, we not only take into account the internal structures of your company, but also the external influences and trends that shape it. We analyze relevant environmental factors as well as current market trends and drivers to ensure that our solutions are future-oriented and adaptable. This enables your company to proactively adapt to changes and operate successfully in a dynamic environment.

Our philosophy

Holistic and systemic approach
Use individual strengths
Dealing openly with conflicting goals
Taking external influences into account
Team development is the key to developing individual strengths and working together as a team to achieve sustainable success for the organization as a whole.

We are listening to you!

A team development workshop with Pin-Point Consulting offers an empathetic and open approach that focuses on the needs of your team. We work with empathy and humor to create a trusting atmosphere in which challenges can be addressed honestly and solutions can be developed together. This is how we help your team work better together and be successful in the long term.
Nadine Oppenheim
Founder and Managing Director of
Pin-Point Consulting, Zurich

Pin-Point Consulting
Sonnenbergstrasse 20
8134 Adliswil