Futures Thinking in Municipal Affairs

An association of different communities in Europe invites community representatives to think with them about their needs and their potential for further development. In the issue, the participants thought about the future in terms of the integration of young generations. Many communities are struggling to reach people from Generation Z and to integrate new technologies into their processes so that the services provided are more efficient and closer to the intended target group.

Workshop philosophy

Initial situation

Creating a space for innovative thinking so conference participants can explore development options for their communities. Thinking about new technologies and integration opportunities to build stronger bonds with Gen Z.


1.5 day workshop with 25 people responsible for their communities from all over Europe in Barcelona. Expand your knowledge of relevant technologies in community services. Building possible new structures and vessels for the new target group using different methods.


Intensive exchange between participants in order to learn from each other and inspire each other for the next step in development. Generation of project ideas and implementation steps.

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