Leadership values ​​for financial services providers

Ensuring attractiveness as an employer for young employees through new leadership values. Reflection with the top management of one of the largest banks in Switzerland about the leadership of the future and the relevant values ​​to remain fit for the future.

Workshop philosophy

Initial situation

The lack of talent is a major concern for the financial service provider, as it is a challenge to find the right people in order to continue to provide the best services in the future. In addition to examining the trends, leadership behavior and structures were also reflected.


5-hour workshop with 25 people and 3 facilitators using the LEGO® Serious Play® method to define new leadership values ​​to ensure future viability.


Discussion in a safe space to establish new values ​​and behavior. Moderation of further team workshops afterwards in order to anchor and further develop the values ​​throughout the company.

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Pin-Point Consulting
Sonnenbergstrasse 20
8134 Adliswil