It's almost obscene. And the right time probably doesn't exist.
Let's be honest: there is never a perfect time. But the current moment seems particularly inappropriate, almost obscene. At a time when everything has to be canceled, doctors and nursing staff are making incredible efforts and, due to external circumstances, we have to abandon habits we have grown fond of, which could hardly be more unbelievable.
But… resistance also helps to find new forms and spark our creativity. In this sense: If we're going to throw habits overboard, then we're doing it right.
We are excited to go live with the Pin-Point website and explore many new territories together with our customers. Especially at this time.
We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this site. Be it in the form of feedback, programming, implementation, design, critical thinking and creativity. shows once again that an effective team is everything.
We wish you good health, perseverance and a diverse exchange via new channels.
Welcome to!